Monday, April 27, 2009

Advertising - Beneficial?

Advertising works to our benefit in many ways such as providing information in a certain area so as to persuade its customers to buy the company's product. However, the reliability of an advertisement is certainly questionable as companies have to persuade and tell the truth at the same time. Providing false facts in an advertisement may increase the profit of a company in the short-term, but the company's reputation is at stake because people would not trust it anymore after finding out the truth. Hence, most companies usually promote the benefits of their product and hide the negative side effects.

Companies like Vitagen promote their products by informing us the content of the drink so that we would buy the product after we know that it is good for our health. These advertisements tells what substances are good for our body, and work to our benefit by providing us with knowledge. We can use this knowledge to come up with other healthcare products in the future. It does not only provide us with a chance to make a fortune, but also helps us determine whether certain types of food are safe to eat. Hence, advertisements work to our benefit.

Companies such as Coca-cola have no way of providing information because Cola is bad for health. Hence, they can find alternatives. Commonly used techniques are getting famous people to show how refreshed they feel after getting a sip. Although some advertisements may not be promoting products beneficial to our health, they do not provide false facts that may mislead people into thinking that more Cola is good, such as having a slogan like, "A can a day keeps the doctor away". Hence, advertisements poses no harm to us.

For the case of a tabacco company, it is certainly difficult to advertise products because tabacco is bad for a person's health. However, they must remember that since the government discourages people to smoke, it would not be wise to get more people to smoke. They can only compete with other tabacco companies and get more customers. To do so, the company has to prove that its tabacco is better than other types of tabacco by comparison. For example, they can prove that the smoke produced is less harmful to the human body, thus attracting more people to buy their kind of tabacco. This would encourage smokers to smoke tabacco that is less harmful to them, which can minimize the number of deaths caused by diseases such as lung cancer.

In conclusion, companies do not dare to provide false information because their reputation is at stake. They can only try to get more people to buy their product using various means. These methods do not pose any harm to us. Hence, although only some advertisements work to our benefit, other has no negative effects and thus advertisement benefit us on the whole.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Science – A menace to society?

Despite the technology advancement that has improved the quality of our lives, some people claim that science is a menace to the society because they feel that science has not created much of difference in their lives. I feel that this is because those people do not cherish what they have and always think that the grass is greener on the other side. If they get a chance to experience life in the past, they would definitely realise that the life nowadays is much better. Hence, it is incorrect to say that science is a menace to society.

Firstly, people say that science had not made any significant improvements on our lives. However, the statement does not stand because technology advancements allowed farmers to increase their production rate, hence resulting in the abundance of food which we have in the modern world, compared to the past when people suffered from famine. Furthermore, science has also allowed us to store our food when we cannot finish them and also provided more hygienic food for us. After the refrigerator was invented, we no longer have to throw our leftover food away, while feeling that it is rather wasteful. The use of pesticide allowed us to enjoy fruits which are not infested by insects and worms. Thus, science provided us food which is fresh and widely abundant, which can be stored when we are unable to consume then in one day. The advancement of agricultural technology has also lengthened our lifespan due to the improvement in hygiene.

Secondly, science has left the hard labour done by peasants and animals for machines to do. Hence, this helps to save the Earth’s resources as machines can be turned on and off anytime without consuming food regularly. For example, people use horses to pull their carts in the past, and use vehicles for transport now, which is not only saves time, but also saves money. Imagine every household in America owning two horses instead of a car, I think it would be very likely to cause problems to the society as we have to cater to the needs of these animals. Hence, science has not only created a better living environment for us, it is also saving the Earth in its way, just that we do not realise it.

Next, science has also shrunk the world. It has become much more convenient for people to travel to another country, and we are also updated on the world’s most recent news simply by surfing the internet at home. We can inform our family members or friends immediately if there are any urgent matters, especially during a crisis. For example, when there is a disaster, warning systems can inform us that we are in danger, such as in a case of a tsunami. Hence, people can evacuate in time and lives could be saved. Thus, there would be less grief for the victims while reducing the problem of pollution in the sea at the same time. If science has given us such a great convenience such that we can know what we want in an instant in what way is it a menace to the society?

In conclusion, science has improved our lives significantly, but poses a threat to our lives at the same time. This is often due to the abusage of technology such as developing new military weapons of mass destruction. However, these problems can be prevented. Therefore, as long as we are able to use technology wisely, there is no reason why science is a menace to the society.